Pipes and vents

From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 01:58, 17 May 2022 by Kayek (talk | contribs)


All gases can flow through the various pipes found in the game. Gas generally flows from higher pressure to lower pressure. If a gas is not in a pipe, canister, or tank, it will be in the atmosphere and will interact with other objects.


Allows gas to flow freely. Comes in four shapes. Straight, Elbow, 3-way-juntion, 4-way-junction.

Image Name Description
Pipe straight.png
gas pipe straight A straight segment of pipe.
Pipe elbow.png
gas pipe bend A elbow segment of pipe.
Pipe 3 way.png
gas pipe T junction A three way junction segment of pipe.
Pipe 4 way.png
gas pipe fourway A four way junction segment of pipe.


Pumps gas to the other side based on the set pressure. Blocks gas from passing through if toggled off. Comes in two varities:

Gas pump.png

Gas Pump. Standard pump. Pumps gas along based on internal and external pressure. Has a maximum throughput of 4.5 Mpa. Mostly used to act as a valve to allow/disallow gas to flow from one pipe to another. Works very well in high pressure pipes but looses effectiveness when the pressure is lower.

For low pressure pipes a volumetric pump is generally a better option.

Volumetric gas pump.png

Volumetric pump. Pumps gas along based of internal and external mole amount. Has a maximum throughput of 200 L/s. Acts exactly like a gas pump but works off of mole amount instead of pressure. can move about twice as much gas compared to a regular gas pump if conditions are right.

For high pressure pipes a regular gas pump is generally a better option.

Manual Valves

Acts like a switch that either allows gas to flow through, or prevents it from flowing through. Can be toggled on and off.

Image Name Description
Manual valve open.png Manual valve open A green light is open.
Manual valve closed.png Manual valve closed A red light is closed.






Gas Miner