Console commands

From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 08:04, 24 June 2024 by Aliser (talk | contribs) (formatting)

Console Commands can be used by admins with the "/" key.

GameTicking commands
Command Description Notes
delaystart [seconds] Delays the round start Adds [seconds] seconds to the countdown. If no [seconds] provided, pauses or resumes the countdown
endround Ends the round and moves the server to PostRound. Only available while game is in a round.
forcemap <map ID> Forces the game to start with a given map next round. <map ID> is a string. e.g. Box or Core
forcepreset <preset> Forces a specific game preset to start for the current lobby. Only available while game is in the pre-round lobby
golobby Enables the lobby and restarts the round
joingame <job id> <station id> <job id> is a string. <station id> is an integer.
observe joins round as a non-admin observer Only available while game is in a round. Player must be in lobby
respawn [player id] Respawns a player, kicking them back to the lobby. If no [player id] passed, respawn self
restartround Ends the current round and starts the countdown for the next lobby. Only available while game is in a round
setgamepreset <preset> Sets the game preset for the current round.
startround Ends PreRoundLobby state and starts the round. Only available while game is in the pre-round lobby
toggledisallowlatejoin <true|false> Allows or disallows latejoining during mid-game.
toggleready <player id>

Administration Commands
Header text Header text Header text
addbodypart <> Example Example
Example Example Example