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Accents in SS14 are spread between two categories, full replacements (mice, zombies, crabs, etc.) and word replacements (dwarf, rat king, chef mustache), certain accents have a replacement chance (from now on "WRC") property which defines the chance of a word being replaced.
Accents in SS14 are spread between two categories, full replacements (mice, zombies, crabs, etc.) and word replacements (dwarf, rat king, chef mustache, etc.), certain accents have a replacement chance (from now on "WRC") property which defines the chance of a word being replaced.

Accents can be acquired innately, through specific items, or as a character trait.
Accents can be acquired innately, through specific items, or as a character trait.

Full replacement accents include:
==Replacement types==
{| class="wikitable"
! Type !! Entities
| Full replacement accents  
* Cats
* Cats
* Dogs
* Dogs
Line 23: Line 32:
* Nymphs
* Nymphs

Word replacement accents include:
| Word replacement accents  
* Mobster
* Mobster
* Italian
* Italian
Line 29: Line 40:
* Pirate
* Pirate
* Southern
* Southern
* Chat sanitization
* Chat sanitization - this is a special accent that is almost universally applied to player-controlled entities.(?)
* Liar
* Liar
==List of all full-accent replacement sentences==
{| class="wikitable"
! Entity !! Replacement variations
| Cat ||
* Meow!
* Mrrrow!
* Hhsss!
* Brrow.
* Meow?
* Miau.
| Dog ||
* Bark!
* Bork!
* Woof!
* Arf.
* Grrr.
| Mouse ||
* Squeak!
* Piep!
* Chuu!
* Eeee!
* Pip!
* Fwiep!
* Heep!
| Mumble (Muffled) ||
* Mmfph!
* Mmmf mrrfff!
* Mmmf mnnf!

Chat sanitization is a special accent that is almost universally applied to player-controlled entities.(?)
| Silicon ||
* Beep.
* Boop.
* Whirr.
* Beep-boop.

List of all full-accent replacement sentences:
* Cat:
| Xeno ||
# Meow!
* Hiss.
# Mrrrow!
* Hisssss!
# Hhsss!
* Hisssuuu...
# Brrow.
* Hiss...!
# Meow?
# Miau.

* Dog
# Bark!
| Zombie ||
# Bork!
* Gruaahhhh...
# Woof!
* Mmuaaaa..
# Arf.
* Braainnssss...
# Grrr.
* Grrrrr...
* Ouuaahhhhh...
* Graaaaaooohhlll...
* Brainsss... Braaaiiinnsss..
* Braughhh...
* Breshhhh...
* Graaaaaa...

* Mouse
# Squeak!
| Moth Zombie ||
# Piep!
* Clothessss...
# Chuu!
* Shooooesss...
# Eeee!
* Liiiiight...
# Pip!
* Laaamps...
# Fwiep!
* Haaaatsss... Hatttssss...
# Heep!
* Scarffsss...

* Mumble (Muffled)
# Mmfph!
| Generic Aggressive ||
# Mmmf mrrfff!
* Grr!
# Mmmf mnnf!
* Rrrr!
* Grr...
* Grrow!!

* Silicon
# Beep.
| Duck ||
# Boop.
* Quack!
# Whirr.
* Quack.
# Beep-boop.
* Quack?
* Quack quack!

* Xeno
# Hiss.
| Chicken ||
# Hisssss!
* Cluck!
# Hisssuuu...
* Cluck.
# Hiss...!
* Cluck?
* Cluck cluck!

* Zombie
# Gruaahhhh...
| Pig ||
# Mmuaaaa..
* Oink.
# Braainnssss...
* Oink?
# Grrrrr...
* Oink!
# Ouuaahhhhh...
* Oink oink!
# Graaaaaooohhlll...
# Brainsss... Braaaiiinnsss..
# Braughhh...
# Breshhhh...
# Graaaaaa...

* Moth Zombie
# Clothessss...
| Kangaroo ||
# Shooooesss...
* Grr!
# Liiiiight...
* Hisss!
# Laaamps...
* Shreak!
# Haaaatsss... Hatttssss...
* Chuu!
# Scarffsss...

* Generic Aggressive
# Grr!
| Slimes ||
# Rrrr!
* Blyump.
# Grr...
* Blimpuf?
# Grrow!!
* Blump!
* Bluuump...
* Blabl blump!

* Duck
# Quack!
| Mothroach ||
# Quack.
* Chirp!
# Quack?
# Quack quack!

* Chicken
# Cluck!
| Crab ||
# Cluck.
* Click.
# Cluck?
* Click-clack!
# Cluck cluck!
* Clack?
* Tipi-tap!
* Clik-tap.
* Cliliick.

* Pig
# Oink.
| Kobold ||
# Oink?
* Yip!
# Oink!
* Grrar.
# Oink oink!
* Yap!
* Bip.
* Screet?
* Gronk!
* Hiss!
* Eeee!
* Yip.

* Kangaroo
# Grr!
| Nymph ||
# Hisss!
* Chirp!
# Shreak!
* Churr...
# Chuu!
* Cheep?
* Chrrup!

* Slimes
# Blyump.
# Blimpuf?
# Blump!
# Bluuump...
# Blabl blump!

* Mothroach
==Word-accent replacements by entity==
# Chirp!

* Crab
# Click.
{| class="wikitable unsortable"
# Click-clack!
# Clack?
!class="unsortable"|Word !! Replacement
# Tipi-tap!
# Clik-tap.
||Prefix #1
# Cliliick.
||Boss Suffix #1
||, see?"
||Boss Suffix #2
||, fugeddaboutit.
||Boss Suffix #3
||, capiche?‎
||Minion Suffix #1
||, yeah!"
||Minion Suffix #2
||, boss says!
||let me
||sleepin' with da fishies
||have to
||going to
||about to
{| class="wikitable unsortable"
!class="unsortable"|Word !! Replacement
||molto male
||molto bene
||spiciest-a meatball
||for-a what reason

* Kobold
# Yip!
{| class="wikitable unsortable"
# Grrar.
# Yap!
!class="unsortable"|Word !! Replacement
# Bip.
# Screet?
# Gronk!
# Hiss!
# Eeee!
# Yip.
||going to
||give me
||do you
||nuclear op
||nuclear operative
||nuclear agent

* Nymph
# Chirp!
{| class="wikitable unsortable"
# Churr...
# Cheep?
!class="unsortable"|Word !! Replacement
# Chrrup!
||Prefix #1
|| Arrgh
||Prefix #2
|| Garr
||Prefix #3
|| Yarr
||Prefix #4

List of all word-accent replacements:
{| class="wikitable unsortable"
!class="unsortable"|Word !! Replacement
||space critter
||space critters
||bush whack
||fit to be tied
||tin man
||so long
||black water
||dead meat
||tin man
||lickety split
||so long
||big iron
||hog tie
||hog tied
||stick up
||crooked law
||thank you
||much obliged
||much obliged
||dragged out
||by gum
{| class="wikitable unsortable"
!class="unsortable"|Word !! Replacement
||you all
||you guys
||is not
||are not
===Chat sanitization===
{| class="wikitable unsortable"
!class="unsortable"|Word !! Replacement
||oh my god
||oh my fucking god
||on god
||what the fuck
||what the heck
||the fuck
||as far as i know
||i know
||i know, right
||i dont care
||to be honest
||let me know
||for fuck's sake
||if i remember correctly
||no problem
||on my way
||in my opinion
||for real
||be right back
||by the way
||just kidding
||thank you
||shut the fuck up
||got to go
||good luck
||how about you
||hit me up
||get the fuck out
||what do you mean
||what are you doing
||of course
||i guess
||to be fair
||thank you so much
||thank you very much
||see ya
||right now
||at the moment
===Liar, WRC 15%===
{| class="wikitable unsortable"
!class="unsortable"|Word !! Replacement
||ye OR ya
||don't like
||"don't want"

Revision as of 22:06, 1 July 2024

Accents in SS14 are spread between two categories, full replacements (mice, zombies, crabs, etc.) and word replacements (dwarf, rat king, chef mustache, etc.), certain accents have a replacement chance (from now on "WRC") property which defines the chance of a word being replaced.

Accents can be acquired innately, through specific items, or as a character trait.

Replacement types

Type Entities
Full replacement accents
  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Mice
  • Muffled individuals
  • Silicons
  • Xenos
  • Zombies
  • Moth Zombies
  • Generic aggressive mobs
  • Ducks
  • Chickens
  • Pigs
  • Kangaroos
  • Slimes
  • Mothroaches
  • Crabs
  • Kobolds
  • Nymphs
Word replacement accents
  • Mobster
  • Italian
  • Dwarf
  • Pirate
  • Southern
  • Chat sanitization - this is a special accent that is almost universally applied to player-controlled entities.(?)
  • Liar

List of all full-accent replacement sentences

Entity Replacement variations
  • Meow!
  • Mrrrow!
  • Hhsss!
  • Brrow.
  • Meow?
  • Miau.
  • Bark!
  • Bork!
  • Woof!
  • Arf.
  • Grrr.
  • Squeak!
  • Piep!
  • Chuu!
  • Eeee!
  • Pip!
  • Fwiep!
  • Heep!
Mumble (Muffled)
  • Mmfph!
  • Mmmf mrrfff!
  • Mmmf mnnf!
  • Beep.
  • Boop.
  • Whirr.
  • Beep-boop.
  • Hiss.
  • Hisssss!
  • Hisssuuu...
  • Hiss...!
  • Gruaahhhh...
  • Mmuaaaa..
  • Braainnssss...
  • Grrrrr...
  • Ouuaahhhhh...
  • Graaaaaooohhlll...
  • Brainsss... Braaaiiinnsss..
  • Braughhh...
  • Breshhhh...
  • Graaaaaa...
Moth Zombie
  • Clothessss...
  • Shooooesss...
  • Liiiiight...
  • Laaamps...
  • Haaaatsss... Hatttssss...
  • Scarffsss...
Generic Aggressive
  • Grr!
  • Rrrr!
  • Grr...
  • Grrow!!
  • Quack!
  • Quack.
  • Quack?
  • Quack quack!
  • Cluck!
  • Cluck.
  • Cluck?
  • Cluck cluck!
  • Oink.
  • Oink?
  • Oink!
  • Oink oink!
  • Grr!
  • Hisss!
  • Shreak!
  • Chuu!
  • Blyump.
  • Blimpuf?
  • Blump!
  • Bluuump...
  • Blabl blump!
  • Chirp!
  • Click.
  • Click-clack!
  • Clack?
  • Tipi-tap!
  • Clik-tap.
  • Cliliick.
  • Yip!
  • Grrar.
  • Yap!
  • Bip.
  • Screet?
  • Gronk!
  • Hiss!
  • Eeee!
  • Yip.
  • Chirp!
  • Churr...
  • Cheep?
  • Chrrup!

Word-accent replacements by entity


Word Replacement
Prefix #1 Nyehh,"
Boss Suffix #1 , see?"
Boss Suffix #2 , fugeddaboutit.
Boss Suffix #3 , capiche?‎
Minion Suffix #1 , yeah!"
Minion Suffix #2 , boss says!
let me lemme
should oughta
the da
them dem
attack whack
kill whack
murder whack
dead sleepin' with da fishies
hey ey'o
hi ey'o
hello ey'o
rules roolz
you yous
have to gotta
going to boutta
about to boutta
here 'ere


Word Replacement
assistant goombah
assistants goombahs
baby bambino
bad molto male
bye arrivederci
captain capitano
cheese parmesano
cook cook-a
could could-a
dad pappa
good molto bene
greytide curvisti
greytider curvisti
greytiders curvisti
hello ciao
it's it's-a
make make-a
meat prosciutto
mom mamma
my my-a
nuke spiciest-a meatball
op greek
operative greek
operatives greeks
sec polizia
security polizia
secoff polizia
shitcurity carabinieri
shitsec carabinieri
sing sing-a
spaghetti SPAGHETT
spicy a-spicy
thanks grazie
thing thing-a
traitor mafioso
traitors mafioso
use use-a
want want-a
what's what's-a
who's who's-a
whose whose-a
why for-a what reason
wine vino
passenger goombah
passengers goombahs
i'm i'm-a


Word Replacement
girl lassie
boy laddie
man lad
woman lass
do dae
don't dinnae
dont dinnae
i'm A'm
im am
going gaun
know ken
i Ah
you're ye're
youre yere
you ye
i'll A'll
ill all
of ae
was wis
can't cannae
cant cannae
yourself yersel
where whaur
oh ach
little wee
small wee
shit shite
yeah aye
yea aye
yes aye
too tae
my me
not nae
dad da
mom maw
newbie greenbeard
noob greenbeard
noobie greenbeard
professional greybeard
veteran greybeard
fuck sod
would wou
should shou
could cou
would've wou'hae
should've shou'hae
could've cou'hae
wouldve wouhae
shouldve shouhae
couldve couhae
would'nt wou'nae
should'nt shou'nae
could'nt cou'nae
wouldnt wounae
shouldnt shounae
couldnt counae
have hae
no nae
to ta
the tha
have hae
are be
is be
am be
food grub
have hae
hey oi
what wot
where whaur
when wen
myself mesel
himself hesel
herself shesel
move moev
moving moeven
wasn't wis'nae
wasnt wisnae
wizard wizer
fool wazzok
have hae
for fer
about abut
ow och
small wee
tiny tinnae
baby babee
after efter
gonna gaun'ae
going to gaun'ae
gone gaun
talk blather
talking blatherin'
now nou
talked blathered
give gie
gimme gie's
give me gie's
do you d'ye
with wi
without wi'ou
whether we'er
ever e'er
whenever wen'er
whatever wot'er
how hou
however hou'er
think reckon
hamlet hammy
hampster hammy
nukie reddie
nuclear op reddie
nuclear operative reddie
nuclear agent reddie
more maer
moreover maero'er
over o'er
human humi
dwarf dorf
slime oozi
rat raki
arachnid aranaki
spider hisser
isn't be'nae
aren't be'nae
ain't be'nae
isnt benae
arent benae
aint benae
zombie rotter
zomb rotter
clown honki
cluwn hunki
carp fin
crusher axe
coward leaflover
idiot dobber
stupid diteit
officer bobby
seccie bobby
a ae


Word Replacement
Prefix #1 Arrgh
Prefix #2 Garr
Prefix #3 Yarr
Prefix #4 Yarrgh
my me
you ya
hello ahoy
yes aye
is be
there thar
friend heartie
dude matey
buddy heartie
hi ahoy
hey oye
money dubloons
cash doubloons
crate coffer
hello ahoy
treasure booty
attention avast
stupid parrot-brained
idiot seadog
your yere
song shanty
music shanty
no nay
are arrr
ow argh
ouch argh
passenger landlubber
tider landlubber
captain cap'n
pistol flintlock
rifle musket
ammo gunpowder


Word Replacement
alcohol firewater
alien space critter
aliens space critters
ambush bush whack
angry fit to be tied
animal critter
animals critters
arrest lasso
arrested lassoed
bomb dynamite
borg tin man
bye so long
cell pokey
chef cookie
coffee black water
confused stumped
cool slick
corpse dead meat
cow dogie
cows dogies
crazy cracked
cyborg tin man
dad pappy
drunk soaked
explosive dynamite
fast lickety split
fight scrap
food grub
friend partner
goodbye so long
greytide varmints
greytider varmint
greytiders varmints
group possee
guess reckon
gun big iron
handcuff hog tie
handcuffed hog tied
hell tarnation
hello howdy
hey howdy
hi howdy
hungry peckish
idiot dunderhead
intending fixing
jail pokey
liqour firewater
lot heap
lots heaps
mouth bazoo
nervous rattled
ninja bushwhacker
ninjas bushwhackers
noise ruckus
nukies outlaws
operator outlaw
operators outlaws
ops outlaws
pal partner
party shindig
passenger greenhorn
passengers greenhorns
planning fixing
please pray
punch lick
punched slogged
ran skedaddled
robbery stick up
run skedaddle
running skedaddling
scream holler
screamed hollered
screaming hollering
sec law
secoff deputy
security law
shitsec crooked law
shoe boot
shoes boots
steal rustle
stole rustled
stolen rustled
story yarn
thank you much obliged
thanks much obliged
thief rustler
thieves rustlers
think reckon
tired dragged out
toilet outhouse
totally plumb
traitor outlaw
traitors outlaws
very mighty
worried rattled
wow by gum
yell holler
yelled hollered
yelling hollering


Word Replacement
you all y'all
you guys y'all
isn't ain't
is not ain't
aren't ain't
are not ain't

Chat sanitization

Word Replacement
omg oh my god
omfg oh my fucking god
ong on god
wtf what the fuck
wth what the heck
tf the fuck
afaik as far as i know
ik i know
ikr i know, right
idc i dont care
tbh to be honest
lmk let me know
ur your
ffs for fuck's sake
iirc if i remember correctly
np no problem
omw on my way
nvm nevermind
imo in my opinion
pls please
plz please
plox please
fr for real
brb be right back
btw by the way
jk just kidding
thx thanks
ty thank you
afk ssd
stfu shut the fuck up
gtg got to go
gl good luck
hbu how about you
hmu hit me up
gtfo get the fuck out
wdym what do you mean
mf motherfucker
etc etcetera
etc. etcetera
wyd what are you doing
ofc of course
ig i guess
tbf to be fair
tysm thank you so much
tyvm thank you very much
cya see ya
rn right now
atm at the moment

Liar, WRC 15%

Word Replacement
yes no
no yes
yeah nah
nah yeah
yep nope
nope yep
sure nah
was wasnt
wasnt was
was wasnt
is isnt
will wont
dont !BLANK!
can cant
cant can
should shouldnt
dead alive
alive dead
does doesnt
did didnt
didnt !BLANK!
nothing something
something nothing
somebody nobody
nobody somebody
can "can't"
"can't" can
should "shouldn't"
do "don't"
"don't" !BLANK!
does "doesn't"
did "didn't"
"didn't" did
ye OR ya na
na ye
yuh nuh
nuh yuh
love hate
hate love
like don't like
good bad
bad good
want "don't want"
not !BLANK!